Born in NZ, I was extradited to Australia at age 9. My parents were both professional musicians and I think I was a great disappointment to them. I did take up the drums until a petition signed by all our neighbours put a stop to that.
I grew up in Adelaide, attended Scotch College and was the best educated council worker in South Australia by age 19.
After playing hippy for several years I eventually settled down with a very nice lady and procreated. Our marriage lasted 20 years and produced one of my best friends - son Eamon.
Now days I live in a nice house with my beautiful partner Veronica and together we play tai chi, travel to Malaysia and China as often as possible and look after our sole dependant , Ska ( my 15 year old Maltese/Pom cross ).
except for koh tsu koon pic (he is no longer the chief minister) all pics are great!